26 February 2011

Join Innovis on Facebook

Check out Innovis' Facebook page if you would like to keep up to date with all the latest going ons at Innovis and in the sheep industry, see photos of the Innovis farms and livestock, or photos taken from Rachel during her visit of New Zealand.
Innovis is also hoping to get some interesting discussions going, join in now on the latest discussion on the Food Standards Agency's latest idea to introduce costly meat hygiene inspections in UK abbatoirs.

13 February 2011

Innovis: Would you like to work for an exciting, young company?!

Innovis: Would you like to work for an exciting, young company?!
I would have loved to work for Innovis as Breeding Sheep Co-ordinator / Administrator if I had been near Aberystwyth in Wales. Perhaps a relocation package is available for a Swedish lady in Switzerland with a diploma in agriculture, practical experience of both sheep farming and international customer support as well as production planning ;-)

If you are in a better position, Innovis is currently recruiting:
  • Breeding Sheep Co-ordinator / Administrator - Aberystwyth
  • Technical Sales Support - Aberystwyth
  • Sheep Technician - Aberystwyth
Hurry up, closing date is Friday 18th February 2011!

9 February 2011

Fårboken - Anders Jansson - Bokias bokrea

Fårboken - Anders Jansson - Bokias bokrea, 129 SEK
Boken vänder sig till alla som någon gång sagt till sig själva: "man borde skaffa får" men som ännu inte vågat förverkliga drömmen. En handledning även för dem som redan har får året runt eller bara "lånar" dem under sommaren.

Får jag lov? - Ewa Kohlström - Bokus bokrea

Får jag lov? - Ewa Kohlström - Bokus bokhandels bokrea, 50 SEK

Humoristisk bok med får som gemensam nämnare.

6 February 2011

Suggestions please!

Sorry the blog is a bit dull at the moment. It is because of time constraints so I gratefully accept suggestions about interesting news, articles, research, courses, videos, etc. related to sheep.

Thanks in advance!